Exclusive Premiere of Fritillaries single “Working Late”, out on the 10th Dec

Fritillaries have got so much going on at the moment, with their upcoming single and launch show, their recent name change and their Kickstarter, raising funds for their album, it can be hard to keep up! The wonderful people at Folk Radio UK have done us all a huge favour and condensed this bountiful plethora of information into one cohesive space. With personal inspite from both Hannah and Gabriel about their goings on and their creative process it’s worth heading over their and indulging in their intoxicating music and the powerful message behind it.

While you’re there, why not:

  1. Grab a ticket to their single launch in Bristol next week.

  2. Support their Kickstarter campaign - they have loads of goodies available, and if they don’t reach their goal at 100%, then they get nada!

  3. Enjoy that beautiful track of theirs


Happy New Year!!!


Introducing Fritillaries